Oct 11, 2008

It's 4am what are you doing? Myself...

And I can't sleep. My mind is racing with thoughts so I thought if I wrote them all down I might be able to get back to bed before the kids wake up. So here goes.

1. You know what I can't stand? Companies who say they will call you back with the info you need (In my case I need a delivery date of a propane tank so they can install and fill it so I can cook meals) and then never call you back. You have to call them back the next business day. In this case now Monday which could end up being Tuesday.

2. Why? Why is that boys mostly the 3 yr old kind, have to dump out the bag of broken toys that I have been working on so hard this week?? Sure I took out the toys that they won't play with and have donated them but I didn't think about the broken ones until a few days ago. And yet I can't seem to make progress cause all it takes is for me to turn my back for one second to get the said 3 yr old a drink and he has it dumped out. I'm. Tired. Of. it.

3. We are starting the moving process Thursday! And Friday! I clean this place next Saturday. Today though I clean the new place!!!! And I have some good news....my internets will be turned on that Friday morning so I won't be without the nets for too long. YAY!

4. I'm sick of packing. SICK.OF.IT. and I still have the stuff to pack that we use all the time: clothes...though I have started that. I am washing clothes non stop or so it seems so I can leave out a weeks worth of clothes and pack the rest. I swear clothes are like toys and reproduce. Dishes. Pot and Pans. The Computer and everything else with it. And my pictures on the walls.

5. I swear if Hubby ever gets the idea to move again after this...I'm not going with him. He can pack his stuff and go but I refuse to do this ever again unless it's to our very own house that we can afford to have ourselves. With the economy though that will be in the next several nevers. And even then I plan to rent the biggest dumpseter I can get my hands on and throw everything away and buy new. All of it new. Minus the PC and pictures. Everything else I won't pack.

6. Curtis and Gregory have the screenings for the new school Thursday! I can't wait to have them done because then I will have a way better idea where they are! I can't believe I'm looking forward to that. The 20th is their first day of school in the new school!!!!! Sam will remain where is at! The only thing that changes is the way he gets there. Right now he rides the bus with his brothers. On the 20th he will start riding his own bus. I hope he will like that as much as he does riding with his brothers. I also hope he does not have a problem with it.

7. I have been neglecting my online life for the most part. I have been doing the babycenter communnity thing though. I know I'm so bad and I prolly once again lost readers but you know something?? I do this for me.

8. Back to the propane thing. I called a few diffrent vendors for that. The first 2 didn't want to give me a tank just for cooking. They insited that I needed something bigger to heat the home. Kerosene is for heating and propane is for cooking. They refused to listen so I refused to give them my business. I then called 3 more. One wanted $500 upfront. That includes tank, installation and a fill up. That is my rent where I currently live. No thanks! One wanted 125 upfront, for 2 tanks (i still don't know why) and the gas for it. I would have to pay for labor of the installation but would have to pay once everything was set. After the first fill up it would cost 6.00 a gal. Tanks are 200 pounds roughly 50 gals of propane each.
The last one wants 114 upfront for one tank installation and first fill up. After that it will be 4.10 a gal to fill the 200 pound tank. roughly 50 gals of propane. What am I crazy?? I think I will go with the one that is cheaper upfront and will be cheaper with each fill up.
I still need kerosene but will tackle that next week.

The last one:
Cousin C is making us a medicine cabnet using a mirror that has an odd shape to it. He is awesome with wood working and making things homemade. I am like a child waiting for the sun to rise on Christmas Morning so I finally get out bed and see what Santa brought me. That my friends is how excited I am about this medicine cabnet and can't wait to see what he did with it!


Honeybell said...

I feel for you! Every time we've moved I've announced my intention to die of old age 'right here in this living room'!

Martha Hughes said...

What is it about husband's and moving?? My husband couldn't wait to move when we bought our first house and I'm not talking about moving into our first house - he was already talking out moving into our "Step-Up" house. I almost killed him right there on the spot - I'd been packing (by myself - without his help) for 2 weeks solid and really wasn't in a good mood. :)

Good luck with your move.

Good luck on your move