Kids can change their eating habbits on you.....
Not that long ago Elizabeth from MomReviews held a contest for Envirokids cereal and I won that contest! It arrived in the mail the other day. The kids got to try Penguin Puffs and Leapin' Lemurs.
They loved the idea of the cereal coming to us in the mail and could not wait so Sam chose to have Penguin Puffs for lunch that day. They loved the penguins on the box and could not stop talking about it. When I served the cereal they said it was penguin food. I assured them that it was not. For the first time ever they sat at the table and ate quietly. I did not even know they were still in the house because they were so quiet. It's safe to say they loved this cereal and I plan to buy more for them!
The Leapin Lemurs kind they had the next for breakfast and they didn't like it. Gregory looked at it and walked away. Sam ate half and was done and curtis finished it off though he says he don't want to eat that one again.
If you have picky eaters like I do and you want them to eat healthy cereal for breakfast, Penguin Puffs is a good start! I'm shocked they ate it and loved it! I always say if my kids will eat it then just about every other kid out there will too!
All my thanks go out to Elizabeth!!!!
I also have to add in here that this morning they also ate healthy. I bought blueberry muffins for myself and didn't even get one cause they ate them! I have to admit with these out of the blue changes in their eating habbits is causing me to be really really scared. Why? Because they are going through growing spurts and are so hungry all the time they will even eat healthy foods just so they can eat something. In the past week they have also had apples, bananas and yogurt too. What's next? We shall see. I'm going shopping today and I'm going to pick up more fruits to have in the house and other healthy foods just to see what happens. I buy it for myself all the time though this is the first time since they were babies and eating baby foods that fruits have been a part of their diet!
I'm one happy Momma!
I have the other issue when it comes to fruit. My fruit bowl is constantly attacked by the boys. They are costing me a fortune literally. I actually have a banana limit per day.
I have some picky eaters too~thanks for giving me so hope! :)
I'm so glad the boys liked the Penguin Puffs! But I have to say, I'm a little shocked that the sons of a CHOCOLATE ADDICT didn't like peanut butter and chocolate cereal!! Did you eat it instead? lol
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