Jul 18, 2008

Another Note to my readers

Yesterday I posted this and a few of you asked some important questions so I thought it my duty to bring answers to you.
On the EC Blog I read that you earn credits for all comments you leave. The community as a whole rates the comments. Including the blog owner. So you also earn credits based on the ratings. The ratings also help to find the spam comments from the good ones. Though I have decieded to moderate my comments to try to prevent spam from coming through anyways. And I have noticed that even if a comment is already rated by someone else you are still able to rate them too! I hope this helps to clear it up.
I will now go back to my regular scheduled blogging!


Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to figure out this Entrecard - SezWho myself. Thanks for the explanation.

Susan Cook said...

Thanks for stopping back over to let me know. Thanks for looking into this and doing a post. So I guess it's up to everyone to rate the comments. It would be nice I guess if individual blog owners rated them too. Thanks again. Hope you have a nice weekend. :)

momto4kidsny said...

You are very welcome!! I will be rating all comments left on my blog as I feel it's my duty. I just hope all others will too. But it is up to the owner not me.

Anonymous said...

I installed SezWho and then disabled it because it did some goofy things and I was afraid it would bother people. I might try it again!

momto4kidsny said...

kim@whatsthatsmell....What kind of things did it do to your blog? I'm asking in case it's something that sezwho should be aware of? I know they are having tech issues and this may have been one of them? Not really sure though.

Anonymous said...

I use gravatars and they went away, and overall my comments just looked different. Plus I wasn't sure about the voting. If someone who doesn't have an account with Sezwho tries do vote do they have to deal with it trying to get them to register for one.

I think I mostly just need to research it more plus I found a place where they tell you how to tinker with it to fit better into your blog theme.

momto4kidsny said...

kim@ whats that smell?:
I would not like it either if something went away! I'm not sure if those not signed up with Sezwho.would have to register to vote or not. Looks like this is something that needs to be looked into! I hope you can figure this all out!