May 26, 2007

Sam update

Yesterday afternoon after Sam woke up from his nap was interesting! He was fine with his finger being wrapped up right up until his brothers got home from school and the fun began( well now I can say it was fun). We knew that we needed to go to Walmart for some Motrin for Sam as he would need that in between the 6 hrs of Tynol with Codine. As we were getting everybody ready to go….Sam had pulled off his bandages. So I did what I could with what we had here at the house and ran to Walmart. There we got the same stuff that the ER had used gauze pads and sergical tape, the mortin and an ace bandage and batteries for the camera as the ones we bought a few days ago seemed to have grown leggs and ran away.
We got home and wrapped Sam’s finger up yet again…this only lasted until I put a whole bunch of tape on it just for Sam to pull off just as I was done with it. He was so proud of himself…Yea! He says to me as he hands to it me.
Sam pulled off 3 bandages yesterday by 8pm. I had enough and asked for some help and got some. one mommy told me to use oven mitts! I was so pleased when I got that…I went right to the kitchen got and oven mitt and some tape ready to up one on Sam. HA! I should have known better. You see when I put that oven mitt on him he screamed at me, took it off and threw at me and said Hot!! And just looked at me like I was crazy for what I had done. I realized that he knew it was for taking food out of the oven. The oven is hot. He was right in a way. Ahh proof that what I have been teaching my baby is working! Woo Hoo for me!! When Sam took the oven mitt of he also pulled the bandage off. I had called the ER the very first time he took the bandages off and they told me to just put it back on. So I called the peds office and got a call back. The gauze pads were the undoing of keeping the finger wrapped and protected. Need the wraps.
Walmart here we come again!!! We get home and proudly wrap his finger up then down around his hand then down around his wrist…thinking we got this under control now. No way is he going to get this off!! Gave Sam his bedtime dose of happy drug and put him to bed. I checked on him several times right up until he first fell asleep. Evertime I checked while he was a awake…the finger was nestled all safe and sound. When he was sleeping I thought I could relax a few!
This would prove to be the wrong idea. When daddy and I went up to go to bed I checked one last time. Somehow within 30 mins Sam’s finger came out of the cacoon I had built for it. Just the finger. not the hand. not the wrist. just the finger.
After taking him still sleeping into my room and rewrapping it yet again I was able to get a sock on his hand. To bed he went. This morning everything is all wrapped up like it should be!!

sam is now napping. I got my camera out so I could take some pics of how he is napping. I have now lost 4 things of batteries for my camera. So I will just have to tell you!
He is on his back. He has his boo boo hand sticking out of the crib all stretched out!! Honest its cute! when i can find the batteries I will post pics. (not gross ones either)
I now have coban wrapped around the gauze wrappings hoping this will help keep it in the cacoon so it can heal up. I had to do away with the sock on his hand because it was making him think he could just bang on any hard surface and it really was making his poor hand sweat. I am going to undo the coban when he wakes up to let his hand get some air…just not the finger.
Sam is doing very well even if he is testing me by taking the wraps off! What would I do with myself if I did not have someone to chase after to make sure that everything stays???